For over a decade, has maintained its commitment to customer service having successfully deployed Huawei and ZTE transmission equipment in many countries in the world. Proleeco Technology maintains a loyal customer base that we continuously strive to accommodate by identifying growing trends within the industry and helping to facilitate the introduction of those trends cost-effectively.

As the company has evolved, we have stayed loyal to our small to medium enterprise customers and continue to give them the same attention and support based on our communication technology expertise in the field of communication industry transmission project, hardware installation, software debugging, product operation and maintenance.

We have professional team with rich experience and well reputation in the field and we are always eager to meet new customers and explore opportunities in emerging markets throughout the world.

Proleeco is different from other suppliers by:

● Competitive price which is better than local representative office

● Fast delivery

● Original product guarantee

● Professional and technical supports especially in hardware and software compatibility

● 1. 12years Proleeco focus on service and selling of Huawei and ZTE transmission equipment

● 2. 12 years experience of communication industry transmission project hardware installation and software             debugging, rich product operation and maintenance .

● 3. 12 years Proleeco built an excellent experienced communications technology team

● 4. 12 years Proleeco technology have accumulated a large number of the experience and ability of dealing with various technical problems and our experienced professional and technical personnel to provide tech consulting and best solutions

● 5. Over the past 12 years Proleeco technology  successfully resolved hundreds of Huawei transmission equipment and ZTE transmission equipment and other related technical issues

● 6. 12 years of product resources channel supply in terms of quality and price has an absolute advantage

● 7. For 12 years we have been solving problems for domestic customers and now Proleeco technology  will provide much  better technical support and most better solutions to our customers around the world.